Gustavo, the Shy Ghost

By Flavia Z. Drago

With exquisite detail and humour, Flavia Z. Drago’s vivid illustrations tell a sweet and offbeat story of friendship and courage.

THE WINNER OF THE KLAUS FLUGGE PRIZE 2021 A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "A great story about making friends by being yourself and the illustrations are a constant visual delight" Malorie Blackman Gustavo is a ghost. He is good at doing all sorts of paranormal things, like walking through walls, making objects fly and glowing in the dark. And he loves playing beautiful music on his violin. But Gustavo also has a problem. He is SHY. Which means some things are harder for him to do, like getting in a line to buy eye-scream or talking to the other monsters. But Gustavo longs to be a part of something, he longs to be seen. More than anything, he wants to make a friend. So, plucking up all his courage, he sends a very special letter: “Dear Monsters, I would like to invite you to my violin concert at the Day of the Dead party…”

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 3+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406398502
  • Published: 16 Sep 2021
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 288 x 248 mm
  • Pages: 40

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Customer reviews


'A great story about making friends by being yourself and the illustrations are a constant visual delight.' Malorie Blackman

'This story deftly weaves themes of inclusion, friendship and being true to yourself with striking artwork inspired by the author/illustrator’s upbringing in Mexico City.' Mini Travellers Blog

'this sweet and spooky tale of friendship makes a quirky Halloween pick' The Bookseller

' [...] terrific illustrations.' The Irish Independent

' [...] busy and sweet.' The Sunday Times

'Young readers will love Gustavo, the Shy Ghost by Flavia Z. Drago, the touching story of a shy ghost who finds a way to reach out and make friends with terrific illustrations by the talented Mexican author / illustrator.' The Irish Independent

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